Troian Bellisario si Patrick J. Adams s-au casatorit – iata primele imagini

Troian Bellisario si Patrick J. Adams s-au casatorit s-au casatorit weekend-ul acesta in California, ceremonia lor impresionandu-i pe invitati.

Troian Bellisario si Patrick J. Adams s-au casatorit - iata primele imagini

Dupa o relatie de 8 ani, Troian Bellisario si Patrick J. Adams s-au casatorit weekend-ul acesta in California, prezenti la ceremonie fiind prietenii si familiile acestora. Primele imagini de la eveniment au fost postate de acestia pe Instagram, ei fiind cu adevarat impresionati de intregul eveniment. In plus, Patrick a explicat in postarea sa de unde provine ideea nuntii lor, cei doi organizand in fiecare an un fort in propria casa.

8 years ago we built a pillow fort in my old apartment and started a conversation that has grown into a whole life. It was just a quiet shared idea that became a yearly tradition. This year we invited some more people. A lot more. And we made a wedding out of it. Three perfect days with friends and family. Kids screaming and laughing in the pool shouting „Fort Day” at the top of their lungs. Our incredible tribe lifting us up the same way they have for so many years. It’s impossible to put into words how it all felt. Filled with so much gratitude that I’m lucky enough to have married my best friend. Love you @sleepinthegardn – can’t wait to see what happens next. #fortday2016 📷cred @daveschwepphotography

A photo posted by Patrick Adams (@halfadams) on

Nunta celor doi a fost cu adevarat speciala, ei organizand un adevarat camping pentru cele trei zile petrecute alaturi de invitati. Acestia au fost cazati in corturi si au mers pana pe coasta unde a avut loc intregul eveniment intr-un autobuz special decorat pentru aceasta ocazie.

Today’s the day. And what a glorious day it is. #fortday2016

A photo posted by Troian Bellisario (@sleepinthegardn) on

Printre invitati s-au aflat si actorii alaturi de care Troian a jucat in serialul „Pretty Little Liars', Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Tyler Blackburn, Lulu Brud si Keegan Allen, precum si colegul lui Patrick, Brendan Hines.

My sweet sister. I love you. You had me in tears tonight. Congratulations @sleepinthegardn @halfadams ❤️

A photo posted by Ashley Benson (@itsashbenzo) on

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Troian, in varsta de 31 de ani, si Patrick, in varsta de 35 de ani, s-au cunoscut in 2009 si s-au logodit in 2014. Aceasta este cunoscuta in special pentru rolul din serialul „Pretty Little Liars', iar Patrick pentru rolul din „Suits”, in care joaca alaturi de Meghan Markle, iubita Printului Harry.

This beautiful event. T&P forever ❤️#fortday2016 (of course I took pictures)

A photo posted by Keegan Allen📸 (@keeoone) on

Foto: Hepta

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