Reactiile vedetelor dupa explozia de la Manchester nu au lipsit, celebritatile aratandu-si sprijinul fata de cei raniti si familiile acestora.
Reactiile vedetelor dupa explozia de la Manchester nu au intarziat sa apara, dupa ce aseara a avut loc o explozie in timpul concertului sustinut de Ariana Grande. Incidentul este considerat pana acum un atac terorist, insa momentan nu au fost furnizate mai multe informatii exacte despre aceasta ipoteza, politistii spunand ca ar fi vorba despre un barbat care a murit provocand aceasta explozie.
Potrivit oficialilor britanici, cel putin 22 persoane si-au pierdut viata si alte 59 sunt ranite in urma exploziei, cei mai multi dintre acestia fiind copii si adolescenti.
Ariana Grande nu este singura care a trimis mesaje celor afectati, alte vedete precum Taylor Swift, Katy Perry si Cher exprimandu-si pe Twitter regretul si sustinerea fata de familiile celor raniti.
My thoughts, prayers and tears for all those affected by the Manchester tragedy tonight. I’m sending all my love.
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) May 23, 2017
Praying for everyone at @ArianaGrande‘s show
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) May 22, 2017
every musician feels sick & responsible tonight—shows should be safe for you. truly a worst nightmare. sending love to manchester & ari
— Lorde (@lorde) May 23, 2017
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Manchester, any one affected, @ArianaGrande and the entire crew. Heartbreaking
— P!nk (@Pink) May 23, 2017
No words can describe how I feel about what happened in Manchester. I don’t wanna believe that the world we live in could be so cruel.
— Bruno Mars (@BrunoMars) May 23, 2017
Heart breaks for everyone at the @ArianaGrande show- terrorism and hatred disrupting a magical escapist experience. Sending all love.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) May 23, 2017
Sending love to the U.K., @ArianaGrande and all of her supporters who were caught up in this awful attack. Heartbreaking.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) May 23, 2017
What happened in Manchester is beyond comprehension. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by this senseless tragedy.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) May 23, 2017
Sending prayers to the people of Manchester. I’m heartbroken for the lives lost and all the families suffering right now
— Reese Witherspoon (@RWitherspoon) May 23, 2017
God bless everyone who was at Ariana’s concert! My prayers are with you all and poor sweet Ariana! This is heartbreaking 💔
— Khloé (@khloekardashian) May 23, 2017
what happened in Manchester tonight is absolutely horrible. sending my love and prayers to those affected. 💔
— Kendall (@KendallJenner) May 23, 2017
Terrible sad news at @ArianaGrande concert. People spend months looking forward to watching their idol, and then this. Sending love to all.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) May 23, 2017
This story is so sad and so scary. Sending all my love to Manchester.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) May 23, 2017
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected in Manchester.
— Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) May 23, 2017
Thoughts, prayers and my whole ❤️ are with Manchester this evening.
— Jennifer Lopez (@JLo) May 23, 2017
Sending prayers to Manchester.
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) May 23, 2017
Tearing up imagining innocent concert goers losing their lives.. praying for everyone and all #arianators. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) May 22, 2017
There are no words. This world.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) May 22, 2017
— Cher (@cher) May 22, 2017
I’m just hearing about the bombing in #Manchester my thoughts and prayers are with you all
— Chloë Grace Moretz (@ChloeGMoretz) May 23, 2017
Absolutely gut wrenching. God bless the people of Manchester offering rooms and rides tonight. #roomformanchester
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) May 23, 2017
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