Kate Middleton a preluat o nouă atribuție care i-a aparținut Reginei Elisabeta a II-a

Kate Middleton a preluat unul dintre cele mai importante patronaje pe care le-a avut Regina Elisabeta a II-a, iar acesta i se potrivește perfect.

Kate Middleton a preluat o nouă atribuție care i-a aparținut Reginei Elisabeta a II-a

De-a lungul anilor, Regina Elisabeta a II-a a început să renunțe la patronajele ei și le-a atribuit membrilor familiei regale. De data aceasta a fost vorba despre unul dintre cele mai importante patronaje pentru Majestatea Sa, The Royal Photographic Society, pe care l-a condus timp de 67 de ani.

Acum, Kensington Palace a anunțat că acest patronaj a fost preluat de Kate, Ducesa de Cambridge, aceasta participând deja la un workshop de fotografie organizat de societatea fotografică și Action for Children, un alt patronaj pe care îl reprezintă Ducesa de Cambridge.


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📸 Learning photography is a fun and engaging way to help young people develop confidence and self-expression, and to help develop new skills — today The Duchess of Cambridge joined two of her patronages, Action for Children and the Royal Photographic Society, for a special photography workshop. The Duchess of Cambridge joined Josh, and young people from Action for Children for the sessions run by the Royal Photographic Society, which covered elements of photography including portraits, light and colour. The workshop, run by RPS honorary fellows Jillian Edelstein and Harry Borden, highlighted how photography provides a universal language for young people to express themselves and explore their thoughts and feelings. As part of her longstanding work on early years The Duchess is on a mission to support organisations like Action for Children, that aim to give every child the best possible start in life. Action for Children, who are marking their 150th anniversary this year, are committed to helping vulnerable children, young people, and their families, across the UK. The charity’s 7,000 staff and volunteers operated over 522 services in the UK, improving the lives of 301,000 children, teenagers, parents and carers last year. The Royal Photographic Society, of whom The Duchess today became Patron, is one of the world’s oldest photographic societies. It was founded in 1853 with the objective of promoting the art and science of photography. Her Majesty The Queen passed the patronage to The Duchess, after having held the role for 67 years. @actionforchildrenuk @royalphotographicsociety

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Este ușor de înțeles de ce Kate a primit această responsabilitate, ea fiind pasionată de fotografie, dovadă fiind și portretele făcute copiilor ei, Prințul George, Prințesa Charlotte și Prințul Louis.

„Ducesa este interesată de fotografie, iar acest patronaj va scoate în continuare în evidență beneficiile pe care le au arta și creativitatea pentru starea de bine, în special pentru copii și tineri”, a publicat biroul de presă de la Kensington Palace.


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Her Majesty The Queen became Patron of the Royal Photographic Society, one of the world’s oldest photographic societies, in 1952. Today The Queen has passed the patronage of the Royal Photographic Society to The Duchess of Cambridge, ahead of The Duchesss visit to a photography workshop run by The Royal Photographic Society and Action for Children, another of The Duchesss patronages. The Royal Photographic Society was founded in 1853 with the objective of promoting the art and science of photography, and in the same year received Royal patronage from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The Duchess of Cambridge has a longstanding interest in photography, and this patronage will further highlight the beneficial impact that art and creativity can have on emotional wellbeing, particularly for children and young people. Swipe to see some of The Duchesss photographs taken over the past few years of her family. 📷 PA/Kensington Palace/HRH The Duchess of Cambridge @royalphotographicsociety @actionforchildrenuk

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Kate Middleton a studiat arta la facultate și are deja și alte patronaje, National Portrait Gallery (din 2002), devenind în 2018 și primul patron regal al Victoria and Albert Museum.

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Foto: Arhiva Revistei ELLE

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