Copilul de 10 ani care a atras atenția tuturor la New York Fashion Week

Desmon, copilul de numai 10 ani, care se auto-numește „copilul-senzație“, a făcut furori duminică, pe podiumul de la New York Fashion Week, unde a defilat pentru Gypsy Sport.

Copilul de 10 ani care a atras atenția tuturor la New York Fashion Week

„Mă simt extraordinar! Sunt foarte recunoscător pentru oportunitatea care mi s-a oferit astăzi a scris, pe Instagram, băiatul, pe numele lui întreg, Desmond Napoles. La începutul acestei luni, Desmond declara pentru The Daily Beast că a început să se îmbrace astfel încă de la vârsta de doi ani, când obișnuia să poarte pantofii cu toc ai mamei sale prin casă, iar așternuturile de pat, drept perucă.

Băiatul își descrie stilul, că fiind unul androgin. În show-ul Gypsy Sport, acesta a purtat un blazer supradimensionat negru și un guler vintage în jurul gâtului. A reușit să facă furori pe podium datorită încrederii lui debordante, atitudinea lui potrivindu-se foarte bine cu stilul designer-ului Rio Uribe, cel care a creat colecția pentru Gypsy Sport. Designer-ul a fost desemnat într-un număr de septembrie al revistei Vogue, drept omul care surprinde în mod natural'. Pentru Uribe, să gândească non-conformist este un stil de viață', spunea atunci, publicația.

Repost from @evanrosskatz – Baby youre a model! Shout out to my kid sis @desmondisamazing on his NYFW runway debut for @gypsysport — 10 years old and already serving. . . . . . . Hi! 👋 Im 🌟 Desmond 🌟 from NYC. 🗽 . I’m a drag kid, dragutante, dragketeer, and draganista doing what I like to call kinderdrag 🍭. I’m a total drag slayer 🐉. I am also the youngest member of the original iconic pioneering voguing ballroom house, the House of UltraOmni. . I have the best 😘 fans, my AMAZIES! I am sincerely grateful for your love ♥ and support. . I call my looks ‘androgynously’ and my style 🎨 ‘avant drag’. I’m inspired by RuPaul, the fashions of the Club Kids and Blitz Kids, the artists Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, designers John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, and Commes Des Garçons, Nelson Sullivan videos, altdrag, and do-it-yourself drag ✂. I design or style my own outfits. . I’m an awarded LGBTQ advocate. Marsha P. Johnson is a huge inspiration and motivation for me. My motto is „Be Yourself, Always” 🌈. . I am also the founder of the first drag house for drag kids, the @hausofamazing, set to open for membership soon (tentatively March 2018). . . . 👉  #altdrag #androgynously #avantdrag #boysinmakeup #clubkid #clubkids #diydrag #draganista #dragart #dragartist #dragketeer #dragkid #dragkids #dragqueer #dragslayer #dragsuperstar #dragutante #futureofdrag #genderisadrag #kidsindrag #kinderdrag #mydragisamazing #mygenderisamazing #nycdrag #preteenqueen – #desmondisamazing #beyourselfalways #amazies – #houseofultraomni #hausofamazing

A post shared by Desmond is Amazing (@desmondisamazing) on

Un lucru-i clar. Copilul are foarte mulți susținători. RuPaul, a declarat, de asemenea, că îl susține pe Desmond. Anul trecut, la DragCon, regina drag din toate timpurile, a spus despre copil că este „viitorul Americii.

Getting my hair done at @nyfw! Week! 😊 . . . . . . Hi! 👋 Im 🌟 Desmond 🌟 from NYC. 🗽 . I’m a drag kid, dragutante, dragketeer, and draganista doing what I like to call kinderdrag 🍭. I’m a total drag slayer 🐉. I am also the youngest member of the original iconic pioneering voguing ballroom house, the House of UltraOmni. . I have the best 😘 fans, my AMAZIES! I am sincerely grateful for your love ♥ and support. . I call my looks ‘androgynously’ and my style 🎨 ‘avant drag’. I’m inspired by RuPaul, the fashions of the Club Kids and Blitz Kids, the artists Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, designers John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, and Commes Des Garçons, Nelson Sullivan videos, altdrag, and do-it-yourself drag ✂. I design or style my own outfits. . I’m an awarded LGBTQ advocate. Marsha P. Johnson is a huge inspiration and motivation for me. My motto is „Be Yourself, Always” 🌈. . I am also the founder of the first drag house for drag kids, the @hausofamazing, set to open for membership soon (tentatively March 2018). . . . 👉  #altdrag #androgynously #avantdrag #boysinmakeup #clubkid #clubkids #diydrag #draganista #dragart #dragartist #dragketeer #dragkid #dragkids #dragqueer #dragslayer #dragsuperstar #dragutante #futureofdrag #genderisadrag #kidsindrag #kinderdrag #mydragisamazing #mygenderisamazing #nycdrag #preteenqueen – #desmondisamazing #beyourselfalways #amazies – #houseofultraomni #hausofamazing

A post shared by Desmond is Amazing (@desmondisamazing) on

Rocking @stylefw at @nyfw today. I’m wearing a 90’s grunge/Clueless inspired outfit. The skirt and sweater are from @outofthecloset_bk. The CUPID jacket is from @thehouseofmann. . . . . . . Hi! 👋 Im 🌟 Desmond 🌟 from NYC. 🗽 . I’m a drag kid, dragutante, dragketeer, and draganista doing what I like to call kinderdrag 🍭. I’m a total drag slayer 🐉. I am also the youngest member of the original iconic pioneering ballroom house, the House of UltraOmni. . I have the best 😘 fans, my AMAZIES! I am sincerely grateful for your love ♥ and support. . I call my looks ‘androgynously’ and my style 🎨 ‘avant drag’. I’m inspired by RuPaul, the fashions of the Club Kids and Blitz Kids, the artists Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, designers John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, and Commes Des Garçons, Nelson Sullivan videos, altdrag, and do-it-yourself drag ✂. I design or style my own outfits. . I’m an awarded LGBTQ advocate. Marsha P. Johnson is a huge inspiration and motivation for me. My motto is „Be Yourself, Always” 🌈. . I am also the founder of the first drag house for drag kids, the @hausofamazing, set to open for membership soon. . . . 👉  #altdrag #androgynously #avantdrag #boysinmakeup #clubkid #clubkids #diydrag #draganista #dragart #dragartist #dragkid #dragkids #dragqueer #dragslayer #dragsuperstar #dragutante #futureofdrag #genderisadrag #kidsindrag #kinderdrag #mydragisamazing #mygenderisamazing #nycdrag #preteenqueen – #desmondisamazing #beyourselfalways #amazies – #houseofultraomni #hausofamazing – #houseofmann

A post shared by Desmond is Amazing (@desmondisamazing) on

Desmond dezvoltă, acum, o platformă, unde plănuiește să susțină și alți copii care vor să fie ca el. Conform profilului său de Instagram, el a creat deja o casă drag pentru copiii de acest fel, numită „Haus of amazing.

De un lucru suntem siguri, aparitita în prezentarea Gypsy Sport, este doar începutul pentru Desmond. Rămâne de văzut ce ne pregătește pe viitor!

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Text: Amy Abaluta
Foto: Instagram

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