Anne Hathaway si Kate Hudson in Bride Wars
Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face
Claire Danes in Romeo+Juliet
Elizabeth Taylor in Father of The Bride
Elsa Lanchester in The Bride of Frankenstein
Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music
Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia
Natalie Portman in Star Wars
Sandra Bullock in The Proposal
Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City
Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind
Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia
Anne Hathaway si Kate Hudson in Bride Wars
Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face
Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady
Claire Danes in Romeo+Juliet
Elizabeth Taylor in Father of The Bride
Elsa Lanchester in The Bride of Frankenstein
Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music
Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia
Natalie Portman in Star Wars
Sandra Bullock in The Proposal
Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City
Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind
Cele mai memorabile rochii de mireasa din filme!
Anne Hathaway si Kate Hudson in Bride Wars
O destinație pentru fiecare anotimp
Soluții inteligente pentru o garderobă echilibrată
Itinerarul pentru o săptămână perfectă în Malta
Idei de cadouri practice și inspirate de Crăciun