10. Tom Cruise - Magnolia
9. Michelle Williams - All the Money in the World
8. Gal Gadot - Wonder Woman
7. Julia Roberts - Pretty Woman
6. Jim Carrey - Yes Man
5. Oprah Winfrey - The Color Purple
4. Jennifer Lopez - Hustlers
3. Jennifer Lawrence - American Hustle
2. George Clooney - Good Night And Good Luck
1. Mel Gibson - Mad Max
Video recomandat:
10. Tom Cruise - Magnolia
9. Michelle Williams - All the Money in the World
8. Gal Gadot - Wonder Woman
7. Julia Roberts - Pretty Woman
6. Jim Carrey - Yes Man
5. Oprah Winfrey - The Color Purple
4. Jennifer Lopez - Hustlers
3. Jennifer Lawrence - American Hustle
2. George Clooney - Good Night And Good Luck
1. Mel Gibson - Mad Max
Video recomandat:
10 actori care au fost plătiți cu sume surprinzător de mici pentru roluri celebre
10. Tom Cruise - Magnolia
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