Balenciaga renunta la colaborarea cu directorii de casting in urma unor declaratii socante

Balenciaga renunta la colaborarea cu directorii de casting, dupa ce in social media au aparut declaratii despre modul in care acestia tratau modelele.

Balenciaga renunta la colaborarea cu directorii de casting in urma unor declaratii socante

In lumea modei, de-a lungul anilor au existat numeroase controverse in privinta modelelor, fie ca a fost vorba de greutatea si varsta lor sau de lipsa diversitatii in show-uri. O problema importanta a fost semnalata si de James Scully si, in urma declaratiilor acestuia, Balenciaga renunta la colaborarea cu directorii de castig.

Se pare ca acesta a primit mai multe mesaje conform carora fetele aflate la castingul organizat de Madia&Ramy pentru show-ul Balenciaga au fost nevoite sa astepte mai multe ore pentru a fi vazute, iar echipa ar fi plecat sa ia pranzul stingand luminile. Modelele au ramas practic in intuneric, iar acest lucru „sadic si crud”, conform spuselor lui Scully, ar fi traumatizat mai multe fetele cu care a vorbit.

So true to my promise at #bofvoices that I would be a voice for any models, agents or all who see things wrong with this business I’m disappointed to come to Paris and hear that the usual suspects are up to the same tricks. I was very disturbed to hear from a number of girls this morning that yesterday at the Balenciaga casting Madia & Ramy (serial abusers) held a casting in which they made over 150 girls wait in a stairwell told them they would have to stay over 3 hours to be seen and not to leave. In their usual fashion they shut the door went to lunch and turned off the lights, to the stairs leaving every girl with only the lights of their phones to see. Not only was this sadistic and cruel it was dangerous and left more than a few of the girls I spoke with traumatized. Most of the girls have asked to have their options for Balenciaga cancelled as well as Hermes and Ellie Saab who they also cast for because they refuse to be treated like animals. Balenciaga part of Kering it is a public company and these houses need to know what the people they hire are doing on their behalf before a well deserved law suit comes their way. On top of that I have heard from several agents, some of whom are black that they have received mandate from Lanvin that they do not want to be presented with women of color. And another big house is trying to sneak 15 year olds into paris! It’s inconceivable to me that people have no regard for human decency or the lives and feelings of these girls, especially when too too many of these models are under the age of 18 and clearly not equipped to be here but god forbid well sacrifice anything or anyone for an exclusive right? If this behavior continues it’s gonna be a long cold week in paris. Please keep sharing your stories with me and I will continue to to share them for you. It seems to be the only way we can force change and give the power back to you models and agents where it rightfully belongs. And I encourage any and all to share this post #watchthisspace

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Din pricina incidentului, modelele si-au anulat optiunea pentru Balenciaga, Hermes si Ellie Saab, acestea fiind show-urile de care se ocupau acesti directori de casting, ele „refuzand sa fie tratate ca animale”.

Nu este prima data cand James Scully vorbeste despre neregulile din industria modei, iar de data aceasta celebra casa de moda Balenciaga a decis sa ia masuri. Prin intermediul unui comunicat de presa, reprezentatii acestui brand au declarat ca au luat imediat masuri in privinta procesului de casting, renuntand la colaborarea cu Maida Gregori Boina si Rami Fernandes.

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Balenciaga a condamnat incidentul, anuntand ca va lua masuri pentru ca modelele sa fie tratate normal si, totodata, reprezentatii si-au cerut scuze agentiilor de modele, trimitandu-le scrisori.

Anul trecut, directorul creativ, Demna Gvasalia a fost criticat pentru lipsa diversitatii in prezentarea de moda, problema intalnita si in show-ul Dior din 2013, cand Maida Gregori Boina si Rami Fernandes au selectat doar modele „albe”.

Foto: Instagram

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